Well, it seems my girl had a good day today. She was out and about with her grandad for most of it and they had a nice day together. Which is so good to hear.
These days are rare and often times after a day like this her body objects and for a few days or more she really suffers for it. And unfortunately today is no exception. After a busy weekend with friends, and having a kick arse migraine last night, spending time in town with her grandad has her energy levels absolutely spent! She’s now exhausted and the reflux, neasea, heartburn and bloating is kicking her butt tonight! She’s practically sitting up in bed as laying down is too painful. Dinner feels like it’s still stuck in her chest, what little she ate, despite being hungry. She also couldn’t manage all her pills due to these overwhelming symptoms. So it was a case of prioritizing the the most important ones and sitting herself up in bed so she could eventually get off to sleep. As getting to sleep often doesn’t come easy for her either, despite the extreme fatigue, which has her sleeping a lot during the day…go figure!
It seems with every positive step forward, she takes a few steps back!
A week ago she was in hospital with chronic regional pain syndrome in her foot. She couldn’t walk on it or touch her toes. And she used crutches to get around. We spoke with a doctor who helped her realise she can get through this set back. Much to my surprise, she did and a lot quicker than I expected! She really took on board what the doctor had to say and she pushed through the pain and got it sorted. I was so proud of her.
Now a week later…bam! Three steps back. I don’t know how she does it. She has so much fight in her. But I see her weaning too. I see the cuts on her eyelids and sores at the side of her mouth that have appeared overnight. I see her emotions fracture as she tries to cope with the utter exhaustion she often feels. The share frustration she gets when she’s hungry and wants to eat but is too ill to even try. I see it all! But do I know how it feels?…no. Can I appreciate what this disease is doing to her?…maybe a little. Will I ever truly understand the battle her mind, body and soul are going through every day?…I doubt it! Yes I try. Yes I worry, and know that’s normal. Yes I believe I’m a good mum. Yes I believe I do my best for her. Yes I’m also a nurse and I’ve researched this disease and have come to know it quite well. But I will never completely understand or appreciate how complex this disease is for her.
As I write this the tears flow. I worry about her future. Will she fulfil her dreams and ambitions? Will she experience love and intimacy? Will she….the list goes on…all I can do is try to live in the now. All I can do is be there for her as best I can. Her aspirations are for her to seek. I can only sit on the sideline and love and support her. She won’t know my fears. She won’t see my tears. That’s my role in her journey.